FOV Physical Shop Closes, but More Spezialized Advice is Coming: News from FOV
FOV Physical Shop Closes, but More Spezialized Advice is Coming:
News from FOV
After the opening of the new online store, the physical FOV store, which had been housed at the Legor headquarters in Bressanvido (VI) since 2017, closes. This decision comes from the desire to always be able to ensure a service that meets our clients expectations with:
- zero waiting times
- a detailed catalog always at hand
- delivery of orders directly to destination or collection at the headquarters of Legor S.p.A. in Bressanvido (VI)
Even though the shop closes, from March 1st, every Monday morning, one of our FOV experts will be available for specialized advice.
Write to us to book your free consultation, at Legor headquarters or in virtual mode.